Do you know someone who is struggling with career decisions – then you can help them with this Jampacked Careers Voucher for a one-hour Careers Consultation and follow up Action Plan for just £55.00.
Are they:
Wondering what subjects to take at school, college or uni?
Undecided about career paths?
Been made redundant?
Looking for a career change?
Thinking about an apprenticeship?
The aim of the session is to explore, evaluate and clarify potential career options so that they can develop an evolving yet flexible Career Action Plan that gives practical steps towards their goal. The Careers Action Plan will be presented in pdf format which will be emailed to them after the Careers session. For current careers information, advice and guidance - a voucher is perfect!
When payment is received, a voucher will be emailed which you can download and email to the young person to use at a time to suit them. They simply book online and redeem the voucher code.
Terms and Conditions
1. Voucher is valid for 12 months from the date of issue.
2. All sessions will be delivered via zoom or available face to face at Jampacked Careers if based in the West Kent area.
3. Due to the nature of this product, no refund is available.
4. Please book your appointment by visiting - head over to the service you require and book online using the relevant code.
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